Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Results of Kiwi Teams matches 30/7/08
The Masters: mastersg/tuckaway & clientje/cyber beat
Trans Global: tfacol/mpemble & whetu/petal25: 33-27
First Sun: mumofthree/carriemac1 & acolitecs/davetaupo lost to
Aussie Flavoured: oakura/argyll2nz & kelvingt/wdavis: 33-39
Snakes: susiecue/janwhy & nikzti/suescott lost to
Western Gals: seychelles/Lmu & sandrac/jenter62: 2-9
Central Climbers: gerry/tarakiwi & kermit/cascade lost to
The Mavericks: tigerboy/andrewnz & buch99/Clarkson: 24-29
Judy + North Shore: phoenix4/hairy_scot & oshlyn/dave27nz lost to Left Overs: jonz/boatman & diatribe/lixixing 21-26
timsch/buch99 & mumofthree/whetu beat cyber/clientje & lixixing/kiwiboy 55-1
News - New Leader for Ladder
A remarkable feature of this round was that all matches were close with the biggest winning margin being 7 imps in the super tight match where the Western Gals beat the Snakes 9-2.
Another interesting feature is that for the second week in a row the only match that has seen a change in ladder position has been the battle for the top spot. This is quite surprising given that the starting ladder position was a reverse seeding. I'm afraid to say that tarakiwi's Central Climbers have been left languishing at the bottom for the second week in a row. We're now contemplating a change of name! :-)
The full results for tonights matches will be posted on this site very shortly.
Ladder Positions after Round 2
2. Aussie Flavoured: oakura, argyll2nz, masham, wdavis, kelvingt.
3. Trans Global: kotuku, hermman, mpemble, tfacol.
4. First Sun: mumofthree, kiwiannie, acolitecs, davetaupo, carriemac1.
5. Judy + North Shore: phoenix4, hairy_scot , oshlyn, dave27nz.
6. Western Gals: seychelles, Lmu, blinkers, sandrac, jenter62.
7. The Mavericks: tigerboy, andrewnz, buch99, clarkson.
8. Snakes: susiecue, janwhy, nikzti, suescott, jonz, boatman.
9. Central Climbers: gerry, tarakiwi, kermit, cascade, diatribe.
Kiwi Teams Ladder Draw - Round 2
Hi All,
This email is sent to you as captain of your team. Feel free to pass it on to team mates if you wish.
Please note that home teams are named first and the captain of the home team is responsible for setting up the match.
Kiwi Wednesday Ladder Draw Week 2
(Home team named first):
Match 1: The Masters mastersg/tuckaway & cyber/clientje v Trans Global tfacol/mpemble & whetu/petal25
Match 2: First Sun mumofthree/carriemac1 & acolitecs/davetaupo v Aussie Flavoured oakura/argyll2nz & kelvingt/wdavis
Match 3: Snakes susiecue/janwhy & nikzti/suescott v Western Gals seychelles/Lmu & sandrac/jenter62
Match 4: Central Climbers gerry/tarakiwi & cascade/kermit v The Mavericks tigerboy/andrewnz & buch99/Clarkson
Good luck to all teams!
Regards Russell
Ph (06) 758 9587 (hm), (06) 769 6564 (wk), (027) 496 1167 (mobile)
Monday, July 28, 2008
News - Ladder Competition Commences
Results largely went against seedings with the result that most teams have so far held their starting positions. At the bottom, the Central Climbers stumbled at the first rung by losing to the Snakes who failed to slide. The Mavericks were fancied to beat the Western Gals but it wasn't to be with the ladies from New Plymouth holding firm. Likewise Judy + North Shore could not budge the lesser fancied First Sun (including two from Gisborne). The Masters were the unlucky team to be drawn for a non ladder match. They will get a tilt at the top of the ladder this week.
Undoubtedly the match of the round was the top of the ladder clash between Aussie Flavoured (the incumbent leaders) and Trans Global. After 11 tight and hard fought boards Aussie Flavoured were leading by 13-9. Then on board 12 south held T6543 A3 KT83 KT. At one table North showed spade support with an 18-19 count and 4s was the resting place. At the other table North opened 1d and then showed a balanced 18-19 count over south's 1s. This was enough to tempt a bold South to leap all the way to 6d! North, with his 3433 shape, converted this to 6s which was icy as the cards lay. This earned Trans Global 13 imps and a 22-13 win, raising them to the top of the ladder. Well done to hermman for his bold bidding!
For the full results from last Wednesday go to
What is Kiwi Teams?
Currently (July 2008) matches occur every Wednesday at 8 pm NZ time. However, from October 2008 I'm planning to change to Monday nights. Wednesday nights may continue if I can find someone else to organise them.
Kiwi Teams is designed for, but by no means exclusive to, kiwis (New Zealanders). Most players are kiwis who play acol. The time of play and alerting rules are set to suit kiwis. All communictions regarding Kiwi Teams are in English. However, non kiwis are most welcome and we have a number of non kiwi regulars. You are free to play any system or carding methods. All standards of play are catered for.
In July 2008 we started a ladder competition which will run until mid September. Most matches during this time will be part of that competition but I will still arrange casual matches for anyone that enters before 5 pm on the night of play.
Each week an email is sent to a distribution list calling for entries. If you want to be added to my distribution list just email me or if you don't have my email send a message to tarakiwi on BBO requesting to be added to the list and giving your email address. (I don't want to publish my email on the web because it always seems to lead to an increase in spam!)
News - Blog site for Kiwi Teams
I always appreciate feedback and feedback on this blogsite will be no exception.
How to Set up Kiwi Teams Matches on BBO
- It’s not hard to set up matches on BBO but it’s a good idea to have a practice beforehand if you’re a first timer.
- Click on “click to play or watch bridge”, then “Team Matches” then click on “create match” and a box comes up for you to complete. Call the match “Kiwi Teams Match 1” (or whatever number it is). You don’t need to fill out “description” or “director”. Change the number of boards to 12. Tick the “barometer” and “allow undos” boxes. Then fill in the team names and players BBO names. Take care to spell everyone’s name exactly right. Take care to ensure you have the correct pairs playing as team mates (team members should be together in either the "Team 1" or the "Team 2" box). Then check everything and then click “create match” (bottom left). You will see everyone accepting and then after a little while the match magically starts. You sometimes get an error message that someone is not online. This usually means (for me anyway) that you have not quite got their name right but it may mean that they have logged off for some reason.
- I recommend that you start on the set up process about 5 mins beforehand so that when 8 o’clock comes around all you have to do is click the “create match” button. It is also a good idea to make sure that all of the players in your match are on your friends list. That way you can “see” everyone and check in advance that they are all logged on. To add a person to your friends list when they are not online click on your own name when you are in the lobby, then click the friends tab, complete the friends BBO name in the box provided then click “add”.
- If any player in your match is not online and available to play by 8.00 pm then you should arrange for a replacement. The quickest way of doing that is to call for participants from the lobby. Do that by using “the lobby” option in the chat box and sending a message like “need one adv + player for 12 board teams match – please message me”. This usually brings at least one response within short order. Choose the person you think most suitable, let them know that they are in and include their name in the team list. It is generally polite to then send a message to the lobby that the team is full.
- BBO has further instructions about the “create match” function as part of its help site. This is the link to get there: Click on “contents” then “team matches” then click in the “create a match” area to get information specific to setting up team matches.
Rules for Wednesday Ladder Competition
- Teams can enter as teams of 4, 5 or 6. Entrants must nominate a captain capable of setting up matches on BBO. The real names, email addresses and BBO nicknames of all team members must be given. Please also provide a team name (otherwise team names will be invented!).
- Entries close on Tuesday the 22nd July 2008. Teams entering after this date can join in but they will start at the bottom of the ladder.
- The competition goes for 9 weeks commencing 23rd July 2008.
- Teams may play as many or as few rounds as they like however there are demotions under rule 12c for inactivity.
- Each week the captain of teams wishing to play must enter by emailing the team line up to xxx prior to Wednesday 5.00 pm.
- Teams may play with one outside substitute. The substitute may be a member of another team but should be of similar or weaker playing strength than the average strength of the team the substitute is playing for.
- Each week a draw will be done according to the following ranked priorities where possible:
a. Teams to play an equal number of matches against teams above them as against teams below them,
b. Matches to be between teams within 3 places of each other, and
c. Matches will not be between teams who have played within the previous three weeks. - The draw will be sent to all team members by 7.50 pm each Wednesday.
- Teams will be designated home and away. The captain of the home team is responsible for setting up the match at 8.00 pm. The home team captain chooses which pairs play NS and which EW. The captain of the home team must obtain a substitute from the lobby for any player(s) not online by 8.00 pm. Matches are of 12 boards, undo’s and kibitzers allowed, barometer on.
- During matches NZ Bridge alerting and pre-alerting rules apply.
- The starting position of teams on the ladder will be determined by the average rating points of team members who have NZ Bridge ratings. If teams have less than two such members then an average rating for the team will be assigned (guessed at!). The team with the lowest average will start at the top of the ladder. Then the next lowest and so on down to the team with the highest average rating who will start at the bottom!
- After each round the ladder positions will change as follows:
a. When the lower ranked team wins it swaps places with its opponent,
b. When the higher ranked team wins or the match is drawn there is no change, and
c. Any team that has not entered for a second or subsequent consecutive week or any team that doesn’t enter for the final week will swap with the team immediately below it, except if it is already at the bottom or if all the teams below it are also subject to this sub-rule. This sub-rule shall be applied first to the lowest team that is subject to it then to the next lowest team and so on. - The new ladder position will be emailed to all participants after each week.
- The team at the top of the ladder after the final round is the winner!
Ladder Positions after Round 1
2. Aussie Flavoured: oakura, argyll2nz, masham, wdavis, kelvingt.
3. The Masters: mastersg, tuckaway, clientje, cyber, ikanarat.
4. First Sun: mumofthree, kiwiannie, acolitecs, davetaupo.
5. Judy + North Shore: phoenix4, hairy_scot , oshlyn, dave27nz.
6. Western Gals: seychelles, Lmu, blinkers, sandrac, jenter62.
7. The Mavericks: tigerboy, andrewnz, buch99, clarkson.
8. Snakes: susiecue, janwhy, nikzti, suescott, jonz, boatman.
9. Central Climbers: gerry, tarakiwi, kermit, cascade, diatribe.